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Full name Lorenzo Aulisa
Profession Associate Professor, M.D., Orthopaedic Surgeon
Actual professional positions Director of the Institute of Orthopaedics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart School of Medicine
Chief Division of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University Hospital “Agostino Gemelli”, Rome
Short biographical notes (300 words) Lorenzo Aulisa was born in Monte S. Angelo (FG, Italy) on October 21st 1943.
He achieved the M.D. degree in Medicine in 1968 at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
In 1972, he completed the fellowship in Orthopaedics and Traumatology
In 1989, he became Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Institute of Orthopaedics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart School of Medicine
From 2003 through 2005, he served as Chief Division of Orthopaedics at the University Hospital "Agostino Gemelli", Rome
Since 2005, he has served as Chief Division of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University Hospital “Agostino Gemelli”, Rome
In 2008-2009 he was the President of the School of Physiotherapy
He also serves as teacher for several specialty schools, including Orthopaedics, Emergency Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Sports Medicine
In 1977, he was for 5 months at the Centre de Réadaptation Fonctionnelle des Massues of Lyon (France), directed by Dr. Pierre Stagnara, to perform clinical and experimental research on spinal diseases.
In the context of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Dr. Aulisa has specifically focused on spinal diseases and biomechanics, both clinically and experimentally. He authored several peer-reviewed papers on the spinal biomechanics focused on the elastic and mechanical properties of the spine. Through his experimental studies, Dr. Aulisa has tested interactions between biological and mechanical factors involved in spinal diseases. This knowledge was used to propose novel conservative and surgical approaches to specific spinal diseases. Most notably, Dr. Aulisa developed a custom-made brace, the P.A.S.B. (Progressive Action Short Brace), based on an original biomechanical approach to the treatment of lumbar and thoraco-lumbar scoliosis. Results obtained through its use have been published in several high-ranked scientific journals.
Award received (Year, title of the scientific work, awarding institution) 1989 - Su un caso di spondilite anchilosante associato a malattia iperostosante diffusa dello scheletro: studio anatomo-patologico. Silver plate for best communication; 66th National Conference SOTIMI, Naples, Italy
1989 - La scintigrafia polmonare con radioareosol: una nuova tecnica per lo studio della funzionalita’ polmonare nella scoliosi idiopatica. Silver plate for best communication; 66th National Conference SOTIMI, Naples, Italy
1988 - Criteri biomeccanici nelle osteosintesi vertebrali. Best communication; 13th National Conference SIBOT
1998 - Treatment of thoracolumbar and lumbar idiopathic scoliotic curves with the progressive action short brace (P.A.S.B.): Analysis of results. Best communication; The IRSSD, VT, USA
2003 - Quality of life of patients operated for lumbar stenosis: a long-term follow-up. Best poster presentation; 26th National Conference, Rome, Italy
2006 - Health-related quality of life after surgical treatment for lumbar stenosis. Isico Milan, Italy
2011 - Treatment of lumbar curves in adolescent females affected by idiopathic scoliosis with a progressive action short brace (PASB): assessment of results according to the SRS committee on bracing and nonoperative management standardization criteria SOSORT, Barcelona, Spain
2011 - Treatment of thoraco-lumbar curves in adolescent females affected by idiopathic scoliosis with a progressive action short brace (PASB): assessment of results according to the SRS committee on bracing and nonoperative management standardization criteria. ISICO, Milan, Italy
Medline published papers (number) 63 (on 312 works published)
Book chapters 16
Book None
5 most important Medline papers (copy and paste reference from Medline) Biomechanical analysis of the spinal brace system in idiopathic scoliosis
Aulisa L, Di Benedetto A, Vinciguerra A.
Arch Putti Chir Organi Mov. 1981;31:185-94

Evaluation of pulmonary ventilation and diaphragmatic movement in idiopathic scoliosis using radioaerosol ventilation scintigraphy.Giordano A, Fuso L, Galli M, Calcagni ML, Aulisa L, Pagliari G, Pistelli R.
Nucl Med Commun. 1997 Feb;18(2):105-11.

Patient outcomes after Harrington instrumentation for idiopathic scoliosis: a 15- to 28-year evaluation. Padua R, Padua S, Aulisa L, Ceccarelli E, Padua L, Romanini E, Zanoli G, Campi A.
Spine. 2001 Jun 1;26(11):1268-73.

Health-related quality of life after surgical treatment for lumbar stenosis.
Padua L, Padua R, Mastantuoni G, Pitta L, Caliandro P, Aulisa L.
Spine. 2004 Aug 1;29(15):1670-4; discussion 1674-5.

Correlation between hump dimensions and curve severity in idiopathic scoliosis before and after conservative treatment.
Aulisa AG, Guzzanti V, Perisano C, Marzetti E, Menghi A, Giordano M, Aulisa L.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Jan 8.
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